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english thumkey:why every iitian's love story turns out to be a best seller

An idea to write this piece flashed in my mind while i was reading one short article on english of was a cute criticism ,may be an intended one,against the ill-grammatical lines of some novels written by some iitian.more precisely writer was astonished of the fact that 'why every iitians love story turns out as a best seller.It was a point of astonishment for the author,yet it should not be..I feel.
I tell you why
1. In the four or five years that an iitian spend in his/her college the first and foremost thing they are taught to present,where to present,what to present.the world is like DHRITARASTRA or this way or that its blind.....
I wonder how you take our lives...what you think?....we make machines...or robots or skrew nuts...
you will never understand.
Engineering is not all about machines, neither its all about lectures tutorial and practicals.Its like an ideology,a philosophy.its a way of thinking that some times seems analogic to machines.
That ensures accuracy and perfection amalgamated with beauty in every act.And that act may be anything novel writing or administration or skrewing nuts.

2.well I have not read many .Except the one named 'two states' by mr.bhagat...the person who should be given full credit for this revolution.He re-established the thirst of reading in Indian youth.
But what ever information i have collected from different blogs and criticism to these seems there is something wrong.
I know the romantics is being stereo-typed .The theoretical literature is being blunt.but that's what time deserves.And it will be technically incorrect if a person keeps his phase lagging from time.

3.Its true that salman rusdie or vikram seth genre  writers are not able to cut the big slice from this large mass of readership.The scenario has changed.The face of reading mass has taken a coated shape with time.During those sunny days when the midnight children was born or suitability of a boy was in talk there was an ethical class of readers.they had taste ,time and space.Novel reading was an act.They were coffee and cocoa genre people .They had enough patience to read and even conclude the lines written between the lines.
But mr. bhagat transformed this novel reading from an act to hobby.And behind this revolution lies a straight line mantra...keep things simple.And that's what iitians are taught "design your commodity according to market.
for you need to be an english freak  to read mr. rusdie but in order to read mr dutta ,mr raheja or mr sharma you just need to have some free time to cherish.And this has generated a multiplication that polarise the readership towards these technocrats. 

      Of course this multiplication has sacked literature.
considering the fact that every trend has its age ,this scenario will take a new turn.recently I have gone through numbers of comments of rejection against this prototype baby romantics.people are getting fedup with the technical use of humors .I have a deep love and a fathom deep faith in literature so i do never admire this present scenario.And being the torch bearers of the nation we should behave like a responsible shoulder .
i know its all about brands.brand iit sells.But then its our society which is responsible for this person's mistake is others profit.And this branding is just a pseudo child of this society's mistake.some day i will ellucidate this fundamental.But for the time being ..use this mistake purposefully.
my dear,
take your time.expose the circumstance and write something to the neck depth.make your subject comprehensive.come on shoot some the philosopher of your subject.let your lines work like the conjuncture of brotherhood.let your words emblamize cohesiveness.And yes..try to maintain the thin line gap between erotica and pornography.The world idolize us....its the payback time.
and to the readers
just learn to press the button of rejection.
thank you for the time being.


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