I some times wonder when they(read my age old friends) ask me "what is illumination?"
What is illumination?
A passion to some people, an art to many,a responsibility to a few,and yes a knot to all;or may be like a lightening of candles over the cake piece baked over some 30 to 40 long nights; or may be like an element of the long drawn metaphor that establishes IIT Kharagpur as the eldest brother of the family.
And the list of imagery that comes in my mind continues and I am yet to respond.
Illumination for some people is like a statement of status,where victory lies in either side.
You take out some hour out of your schedule and cry out loud from the tabled roof height, is n't it enough!
Meet new people ,shake new hands,talk to new people,read their act ,their response in the tight corner,their multiple ways of dereliction of duty,is n't it enough!
Its not an element of interest, rather an element of duty .A duty that is required to forward the culture,and a duty that is required to keep the momentum of this ongoing cycle.
There is an age old dialogue.
"what remains if life is devoid of music,art,and culture?" ___abhimaan(1973).
And this Illumination puts forth a lightening and structured diwali ,with alignments speaking out myths,mythology,system and society all like the torch bearing symbols of music art and culture.
Is n't it enough!
And more over in this way or that its an act of socialization.
I know being social is tough, but what if we give a try?
Come on ..
Lets paint some glitters to the prestigious night.
Remember Its not gold but glitters that matter.
On a lighter note .
A note from the last year Diwali night.
from the desk of
an rkite,educated,sensible,admirer and pure
to the desk of
his/her highness judges and concerneds of last night
expected to be educated sensible admirer and pure
sir, i am no kid of six or seven
who adds 4 and 5 and puts eleven.
if this is the way the judgement does fall
then why this passionate competition at all.
sir, wasn't that a master piece...
the personified beauty of light
countless hours and countless weeks
all got trapped in an unethical politics.
sir,there are sm scratches of stainless wires on my palm.
i see my lifeline has increased by one fourth.
lies..damn lies....and the judgement...
that cut short the magnum mood of the event.
sir ,sometimes truth is not enough
I feel sometimes...
Some people deserve more.
Just keep busy living.