Scenario is that every wednesday the continuous four hours are boring ",some people say...irresistible some people say.I have even heard remarks like depressive and life threatening from the so called attendance philic block of the batch. yes, I am talking about the four hour slot of basic science and environmental science. Today afternoon when almost half of the institute was chattering keyboard ,struggling with chat box dilemma of what to say what not to say,hitting angry birds,or surfing dc++(an incampus facility : DC++ is a free and open-source alternative to the original client, NeoModus Direct Connect (NMDC); it connects to the same file-sharing network and supports the same file-sharing protocol. One of the reasons commonly attributed to the aforementioned popularity of DC++ is that it has no adware of any kind, unlike NMDC.), I was the one absorbed in the class room .I was just trying to trace out some proposal to paint the scenario with a bit indolent brush....
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